TPC Pages

25 May 2015

[TPC] - A moment from us...

The Piedmont Chronicles

~ est. 2010 ~

Greetings, readers.

Hope all is well out there. Good to be back with you. I hope everyone has read and enjoyed the write-up from cont. writer Ellis Millsaps entitled "Leaving Manfield." A fun and heartwarming piece about his 20 years of living in good ole Manfield, GA.

As some of you may have noticed, the Chronicles went into heavy political mode the last couple of weeks. While local and state political issues will still very much be right in our wheelhouse, I've decided that I need a bit more balance for the Chronicles to become the online newspaper that I envision it to be. So from here on out, there will be a conscious effort to cover more local interest, cultural, life stuff, history, and human interest type things in addition to news and politics. Balance. Such an important word; such an important thing.

As always, we appreciate your reading of these Chronicles. You, the reader, are the integral part of this endeavor. It is always greatly appreciated.

Until next time...