TPC Pages

06 February 2016

[tpc] - Featured Citizen Journalist: The Perspicacious Conservative

- The Chronicles -
 6 February 2016


Hey, gang. Over the years I, a time or couple, two or three, have mentioned fellow writers, bloggers, citizen journalists, etc. This go 'round, I wanted to mention quite possible my favorite one out there.

Jessica Szilagyi is simply a marvelous woman! Fearless, brilliant, and just such a superb writer. Even though I've had the online edition of the Chronicles since 2010 and have been working on other projects under its name since 1997, I only recently starting adding TPC or tpc to my posts. That was most assuredly a tip of the hat to Ms. Jessica's primary blog, The Perspicacious Conservative. I have spent a lot of time at this site reading posts and her plethora of archives. She doesn't post there quite as much these days, but she has a new vehicle:

Hair Blowers to Lawn Mowers has been a total joy for me to read. It's just great! Such good reads over there, you should totally check it out.

Jessica also has a dedicated page on FB for her writings, and she's on the twitters.

Though we still haven't met in person, it's almost like Jessica and I are kind of the ying and yang with Liberty-oriented, kinda-folksy, Georgia political stuff. TPC & TPC! And we're both fans of the Appeal to Heaven thing as well.

Check her out.

Hope it's good out there, fine people. Be on the look out for a Sunday Edition of the Chronicles tomorrow. It'll be a fat, juicy one!

Til next time, Good Lord willin'