TPC Pages

17 May 2017

[TPC] - City of Covington Council Recap

[State of GA] 
[Newton Co] 

(Covington * 17 May '17) - Greetings, readers, and we sure hope everything is lovely out there. 

So, the City of Covington had their regular council meeting Monday night. Here's what you need to know: 

  • By a 5 to 1 (Josh McKelvey, the lone dissenter) vote, the council ensured a lawsuit which we will most likely lose. 
  • By another 5 to 1 (Josh McKelvey) vote, the council wasted at least approx. $10,000 of your tax dollars. 
  • They didn't even bring up the hospitality thing because it has to go to legal counsel and then there has to be a "workshop" about it...gimme a break! 
My word, it's like we get the Newton Co. BOC fixed and then the city's gonna go full-on mo-ron. Well, nobody said it was going to be easy. That's just life.

Best Regards. 'Till next time.

Your pal,
