TPC Pages

05 June 2018

Kayla's Corner: Big Week in Covington - Trivia, Bingo & Live Music

Kayla's Corner

Welcome back to the Corner, a place for details on food & fun, cool destinations & local happenings.

So...what could possibly be better than pizza? How about pizza & trivia! It's the perfect combination of food & fun!

On Wednesdays at 7PM you can choose trivia night at either Johnny's Pizza or Your Pie & test your trivia knowledge while enjoying some awesome pizza. Make sure to bring your thinking cap & a particularly smart family member or friend to increase your odds of winning. Ha Ha! Seriously though, the more the merrier & both of these places are very family friendly. 

If you miss out on Wednesdays, don't even worry. There's also fun happenings on Thursdays! Amici in Covington has changed up a bit from trivia & is now hosting BINGO NIGHT! Every Thursday evening starting around 7PM, the place gets pretty packed for this super fun event so plan to get in early to grab a table. Always a big time, this is great for all ages. 

Also, I wanted to talk about a big event this weekend at Five O'Clock Sports Bar & Grill. A new band that's a super group of sorts is playing their Covington debut. Steel Rose Band, comprised of several well-known, local musicians, is playing this Friday night at The 5! This band has a lot of buzz & the word is that it's gonna be a packed house so you may want to call to reserve a table. 

And speaking of Five O'Clock, they have a Trivia Night as well. Every Tuesday night. So if you're looking for a more of an adult scene for testing your knowledge, then this would be the one. Also, don't forget about their daily lunch specials. Great food & great prices! Check their Facebook page for details.

Well alright, y'all. That'll do it for this time. See you right back here next week!

- KGL 

Author of TPC recurring piece, "Kayla's Corner," Ms. Leasure is originally a Walton Co. gal who studied marketing & advertising & loves the beach, the woods & her dogs while keeping herself busy with multiple projects & endeavors. She has her finger on the pulse of the home county like no other & is always "keeping an eye on Covington." A beautiful lady, inside & out, it is The Chronicles' true privilege to have her talents as part of our team. 

Kayla Leasure: Keeping an Eye on Covington
The Piedmont Chronicles