TPC Pages

27 June 2018

Kayla's Corner - Week of June 30th: Karaoke on the Square; Custom Tint & Sound Appreciation Day; C-Town Revue at TLR@IBP

Kayla's Corner
Week of June 30th, 2018

Welcome back to the Corner, a place for details on food & fun, cool destinations & local happenings.

This weekend the city of Covington is going to be hotter than the weather! There's so much to do! 

Kicking it off on Friday afternoon, starting at 6PM, come on down to the Covington Square for Karaoke Night! Bring a blanket, bring a lawn chair & bring your singing voice because you're going to need it! It's a family friendly event, so bring all your pals and maybe bring a picnic, or choose from one of the many fantastic restaurants we have in downtown Covington! 

Then on Saturday, starting at 10AM & ending at 2PM, Custom Tint & Sound will be hosting their Customer Appreciation event! Not only will they be showing off some of their custom rides, but there will also be cool door prizes, a kids jumpy house & some free BBQ! Custom Tint & Sound owners, John & Ashley Draper are having this event to show appreciation to their wonderful customers & friends for their business & support over the years. So hurry out & don't miss out on the fun! 

From their event announcement:
We're throwing a party you don't want to miss! FREE BBQ, KIDS JUMP HOUSE, DJ, AND DOOR PRIZES! To show our appreciation to our customers and friends for their loyal business, come out and join us Saturday June 30th from 10am-2pm. And of course we'll have several "cool" rides on display to gawk at..... DON'T MISS IT!
Saturday the 30th, 10AM - 2PM


The Listening Room

At 9PM Saturday night a pretty big music event will be happening at The Listening Room at Irish Bred Pub. It's time for another installment of "The All-Star Feelin' Good C-Town Music Revue," proudly presented by TPC Editor MB McCart. 

C-Town Music Revue

For this edition, MB has got a great line-up! Kicking this off will be Davis Brooks & Sam Mitchell, two younger fellas who are supposed to be pretty darn good. Next will be my buddy & co-worker Scott Bowen who can sing some David Bowie & Pearl Jam like nobody's business! 

Hannah Thomas

And the headliner? The one & only Hannah Thomas. Hannah is an amazing talent! She's a professional musician that has played all over America & has recorded with several well-known musicians. 

Hannah has recently released a new album
"A Talent Supreme"

There will be quite the crowd we're hearing, so you better try to get there a little early & try to grab a table or a chair so you don't miss out on this awesome event! 

(*ed. note: look for more info on the C-town Music Revue in this week's Music Minute)

Okay, y'all! Thanks so much & I'll see you next week! 



Author of TPC recurring piece, "Kayla's Corner," Ms. Leasure is originally a Walton Co. gal who studied marketing & advertising & loves the beach, the woods & her dogs while keeping herself busy with multiple projects & endeavors. She has her finger on the pulse of the home county like no other & is always "keeping an eye on Covington." A beautiful lady, inside & out, it is The Chronicles' true privilege to have her talents as part of our team. 

Kayla Leasure: Keeping an Eye on Covington
The Piedmont Chronicles