TPC Pages

09 April 2019

What's Happening, 4/9/19: Mitcham Farm Opens; Newton Trails - Walk with a Vet

A couple of cool things going on today!

Mitcham Farm Opens for the Season 

Today marks the beginning of the Strawberry season over at Mitcham Farms: 

GOOD NEWS! We officially open tomorrow (Tuesday 4/9) for the spring season! We currently have u-pick berries, fruit slushies, and specialty food items. We'll be offering pre-picked berries soon PLUS other new delicious food items. Stay tuned for details!
🍓 HOURS: Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun 1-5
🍓 LOCATION: 797 Macedonia Church Rd, Oxford, GA
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, food

Newton Trails - Walk with a Vet 

Newton Trails is once again doing their Everybody Walk Newton series this month. Bring your fur baby & get some exercise:

Join us on April 9th at 5:30pm for our next Every Body Walk Newton! We'll bring our four-legged friends and visit the Eastside Trail/Sandy's Dog Park for "Trails And Your Dog: Walk-with-a-VET” led by Dr. Leslie Latham of East Metro Animal Emergency Clinic. Please have your dog on a leash so he/she can socialize with other 4-legged friends. Learn some new dog training tips, state laws, information on responsible ownership and tips on caring for your pet during warmer weather. Meet at Newton County Health Dept. at 8203 Hazelbrand Road. EVERY BODY WALK NEWTON is sponsored by Piedmont Newton Hospital.
Enjoy these great events!