TPC Pages

15 August 2019

A Letter to the Editor from Bill Nash: Why is the Pace St Project Moving So Slowly?

The Piedmont Chronicles
Your Source for the REAL Story

To the citizens and customers using Pace street between 278 and the Square:  

The Businesses along Pace street dislike the slow progress of recent construction even more than the general public does. When we see few (if any) workers on this project daily, we cringe at how slow this project is progressing and negatively impacting traffic flow and making it difficult for customers to reach our stores. 

Please contact City of Covington Planning Dept. at (770) 385-2020 to voice your displeasure of the slow progress and few daily workers not getting the project done quickly. Using Federal/State Grant Money, with Matching $ from the City, ask why is this project already so slow?


Bill Nash