TPC Pages

27 March 2020

MBM - The #COV, CBD & The Last Ride of Big Government on the Great American Scream Machine

I had a feeling hours ago. After all the texts & phone calls.

Especially after the messages from my "dear" friends...


Conyers, GA jumped the shark today, and if all is holy they -will- pay "dear" consequences...

But we don't care about Conyers.

I should've known that it was cover-up for a bad thing from the beginning...

The City of Covington - led by Fleeta Baggett Smith, Don Floyd & Steve Horton - has just enacted full-on socialism in the home city.

The businesses in the Central Business District will be getting all employees paid good, government money; the rest of y'all can suck it!

Just remember the driving force on this thing, and the money behind it (per our info - John Bezborn & Mystic Grill) - and NEVER FORGET!

SMH, indeed...

Lord help us all.

- MB McCart