TPC Pages

22 June 2020

Major Concerns - AGAIN - About Rec Commission: Tens of Thousands in Proposed New Spending; Illegal Bonuses Still Not Repaid

 Rec Commission Board of Directors Meet Tonight

By: MB McCart 

Good morning, readers, and we hope this post finds you well.

So, the ongoing tire fire that is the Newton Co. Rec Commission. Since the fall of 2017 it's just been one thing after another with this dysfunctional commission, though really those in the know can tell you that it's been a mess pretty much since day one.

After the blatantly obvious witch hunt that was started after a handful of persons tried to finally fix things (Josh McKelvey, mainly - always remember: no good deed goes unpunished), we were told that the commission would be disbanded & the Rec Department would brought under the BOC umbrella. Two years later & not only is that NOT the case, based on the agenda for the commission's meeting tonight, it looks like quite the opposite is occurring.

First off, the commission apparently thinks they need in-house legal counsel now as they'll be voting tonight on making Frank Turner Jr. their attorney. This sounds like a genius move, what with the Wreck Commission having such a knack for breaking the law. A la Tommy Craig & various editions of the BOC over the years, I can see all those phone calls flowing into Frank. Wonder what that hourly rate will be? $250 per hour? And what will be the minimum billing fee? 1/10th an hour; 1/4th? One phone call maybe costing anywhere from $62.50 to $100 or more? 

And speaking of breaking state law, those illegal bonuses that were given out last Christmas haven't been paid, you know? Actually, it's on tonight's agenda to push back those repayments for 18 months!

I guess these folks spent it all & they don't have the ability to pay it back just yet. But know this: when (if) they get repaid, it's going to be deposited into the Youth Athletic Scholarship Fund, so there's that.

And finally, the other big ticket item on tonight's meeting will be the creation of two Park Patrol Security Officers & funding for their salaries & vehicles. There has been ZERO mention of any need for these positions by anyone, anywhere at anytime as far as I can tell. But, remember - Newton County Way & all. Somebody apparently needs a job...


Just another day in the home county, folks. We'll keep an eye on it. 


P.S. In the meantime I recommend reaching out to your representation on the BOC* & telling them the following. Also, it's our understanding that legislation has passed the GA House & is awaiting action in the State Senate ( Brian Strickland )

The Time Has Come, Enough is Enough - Abolish the Rec Commission NOW!

*Newton BOC Contact Info: 

BOC Chairman - Marcello Banes

Mobile Phone: 404-805-5094

BOC 1 - Stan Edwards

Mobile Phone: 678-294-9166

BOC 2 - Demond Mason

Cell Phone: 678-544-5212

BOC 3 - Nancy Schulz

Mobile Phone: 770-337-7562

BOC 4 - JC Henderson

Mobile Phone: 770-896-3826

BOC 5 - Ronnie Cowan

Mobile Phone: 678-313-4607