TPC Pages

15 August 2021

A Sunday Check-in w/ MB: LP Newton Official; Criminal Charges On The Way in re P-Cards? Odds & Ends...

 Greetings, Fearless Readers, and we sure hope it's as pretty as a picture out there. 

As mentioned by this publication a few days back, the inaugural general meeting of the The Libertarian Party of Newton Co. took place on Wednesday evening. 

Well, this writer attended this political body's event & I have the following dispatch to report: 

Several folks were present for this meeting which began around 6:30pm. Chairman Ryan Ralston spoke as did Vice-Chair Beth Moye Shaffer & there was much discussion, too, among the assembled body. The party is working on several exciting things & I expect big things from this group of which I am proudly a member of. 

P-Cards got the Attn of the DA! 

Friends, in a development that can only be called monumental, Alcovy Judicial Circuit DA Randy McGinley has publicly stated that he has reached out to state law enforcement about investigating some of the certain P-card purchases of several Newton Co. elected & appointed officials. 

So glad to hear this. If there's nothing there (which many doubt) then a state investigation will bear that out; however, if not, then...well, hell, this is exactly what we need, no? 


Ellis "Da" Millsaps will have a piece hitting here in this space on Tuesday. You know you don't want to miss it. Keep an eye out. 


What else?

I actually went to church today. It was about that time of the year(s). Seriously, though, I always think back to my Lewis Grizzard in which I, paraphrasing, obviously don't need as much savin' as them folks that have to go every week (or multiple times a week). 

Really, I must say that I greatly enjoyed it. The music was incredible & it was one of the better sermons I've ever witnessed. I just might go back. Probably not next week (but, you never know, maybe), or the week or two after that, but I will be there again.

Fellowship & enjoyment of the Good Word is a good thing, after all. 

Hope all is well out there, Piedmonteers! Catch you on the flip side.