TPC Pages

04 August 2021

Newton Co, GA, USA: It Was The Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

By MB McCart, Ed 

Dickensian references aside (and that's two in the last week here at the ole site for those keeping score), things are definitely interesting on the home county front. 

There's a definitive duality/juxtaposition thing going on w/ the Newton Co. BOC at this point. 

On the same night this "august" body did quite possibly enact one of the largest millage rate DECREASES in county history, they then brought back the mask mandate for county-owned properties. 

JC abstained from the budget vote, per usual, while Alana Sanders was the lone dissenting vote against a county budget that has pleasantly surprised many political watchers, this one included. 

I'll always tip my hat when it's due, so I will certainly publicly do so at this time:

To BOC Reps Edwards, Mason & Cowan -- Thank you, Gentleman. 


Make My Card the P-Card!

Parliament-Funkadelic references aside, our old nemesis - The Covington News - actually did some legit reporting here lately. 

Well, sort of... 

After their intro-piece of last week, the general consensus was that Pt II would be a little underwhelming. 

The good news, though, is this: 

Now that CovNews has filed & paid for these ORRs, they are now available to anyone & everyone who is interested. 

This is gonna be some great fodder for a long, long time... 

But them boots, though? 


Stay Tuned