TPC Pages

18 October 2021

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes: JC Henderson Strikes Again

 From our friends at Citizens for a Better Newton

Thanks to Commissioner Henderson's shenanigans at a recent BOC meeting, a local property owner has withdrawn his planned donation of 4 acres of future park land and a 111 year old home to the county. A news article in this weekend's Covington News gives the details, but does not fully describe how Henderson hindered the donation by his actions and erroneous statements.
Henderson claimed at the BOC meeting that he wasn't involved in negotiating the conditions for the donation and therefore moved to table the motion to accept the land until he could get more involved and meet with the landowner. Both Chairman Banes and County Manager Kerr disputed Henderson's claim about his not being involved. They indicated that Henderson had been fully involved in meetings with the donor which apparently began in 2015. His motion to table the donation must have frustrated the landowner and in effect cost the citizens of his district a property worth over $100,000. That possibility was part of the discussion before Commissioner Sanders seconded the motion and it passed.
Without this donation, there appears to be no access from Brown Bridge Road to a future park site owned by the county (see photo below). Now, the only access will be through a subdivision which will be very unpopular with those homeowners.
Mr. Henderson must have not heard the old warning not to look a gift horse in the mouth. His constituents and others in West Newton are now the losers.


This is what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum.
Many, yours truly included, have been warning about JC for years, if not for decades.
Play stupid games & you'll likely win stupid prizes.