TPC Pages

08 October 2021

The Home County Now Truly Dysfunctional

JC & Alana tryna act like they own the home county now (particularly, the line from JC from about ten months ago  -- " I own Newton County now, [expletive deleted]"). 


And it seems as if William Thomas (Wm Thomas) "Tommy Craig" / WTC is desperate. 

I was very surprised but heartened to see the recent developments. 

He's starting to get old though now, isn't he? 

Tell you what, though, all that money Ezell's been feeding him did help that sumbitch to keep the old office on College Ave from falling apart. 


Newton Co can't even take of its basic services anymore. 

Not surprising given the recent developments. 


The Tax Commissioner's office? 

We're seeing that falling apart in real-time, aren't we? 


The Sheriff's Department? 

It's been a mess for over a decade. 


What we recently saw w/ the Coroner's office w/ Madam Coroner? 
