TPC Pages

06 November 2023

TPC REAL Politick: #COV Municipal Election Time - Welcome to the Fun House!

 Greetings, Fearless Readers, and we sure hope it's all lovely out there. 

So it's that time. Covington election time! And we're all real excited about it! 

Time's a wastin' so let's get right down to it. 


So my good friend Travis Moore seems to be in the driver's seat for this race & for good reason -- he is definitely the most qualified. Plus, he's a great guy. I've known him for years, as have many of you. He's legit! Good people. 

It's my understanding that his opponent's campaign started to see the tea leaves a few weeks ago so that's when she first decided to go negative w/ a direct mail piece. 

Probably a bad idea there... 

What's the old saying about bringing a knife to a gun fight? 

Or, to reference the popular meme - (do something) & then "find out." 

I've really gotten a kick here lately how her surrogates have been pushing this same line about - "hey...just look at her campaign page - she hasn't been going after him" 

No, here lately, she's been doing that w/ direct messages that she's been sending out to numerous Covington voters, many of whom are supporting Travis, and many of whom have been taking screen shots. In other words - there are receipts. 

The flailing death rattle of a flailing - and pointless - campaign, in this writer's estimation. 

"bUt wHaT aBoUt aLl hEr SiGnS," I can hear some of you saying. 

She had more signs two years ago & lost by 14 points to Susie Keck, a semi-unknown quantity at the time. 

That's the thing.

Travis is C-Town
. Born & bred. Multi-generational. 

People know him. They know that he's been fighting against apartments ever since he was first appointed to the Planning Commission. 

Straight up lies are simply straight up lies. 

There's only one set of facts, people, and the facts are the facts. 


Dania Bernard apparently moved to Covington approx a year ago. She's seemingly moved all over a lot of places most of her adult life. Purportedly she's an investor w/ Archer Aviation - the outfit that clearcut that beautiful land just east of Oxford. And supposedly she's worked as a flight attendant some as well. 

Who knows? 

Also, basically, she's running as a Democrat in a non-partisan race. All one has to do to confirm that is to see where her signs are throughout town, as well as what she's been telling folks all throughout town. 

I'm voting for Jared Rutberg in this one. 


Don't ask, don't tell...? 

I'm still not exactly sure who I'm going to vote for in this one, or if I'm even going to vote in this one. 

I like the Preacherman. I really do. But not so sure about him being Mayor. 

I like Felton. Not so sure about him being Mayor, though. 

I like Eric. [see above

Definitely not voting for Kenny. 

So, there's a fifth candidate running. At least a few of you know who she is. 

I'll just say this: she might be okay as Mayor, but I'm just not entirely so sure. 

Planning to make my mind up tomorrow morning when I vote... 


Remember: ELECTION DAY tomorrow. 

And remember: voting will be at regular polling precincts (NOT at City Hall) due to the countywide referendum happening.