TPC Pages

10 August 2018

The Bitteroots Return to Covington! On the Square TONIGHT - Friday August 10th - 7PM


Music Minute

Greetings, music lovers, and welcome back to The Minute.

The Bitteroots, easily one of the greatest bands in Georgia in this writer's estimation, is bringing their Groove/Funk/Jam Rock back to The #COV! 

Based out of Decatur, GA & formed in 2008, The Bitteroots feature top-notch musicianship & artistry along with superb songwriting. Definitely in the vein of 90s style Jam Rock bands, the group's music also features elements of Jazz Fusion, Blues & Pop. It's a great mix & as this publication has written about a few times - The Bitteroots ROCK! 

Covington native & band co-founder Bill Taylor holds down the groove on bass guitar while other co-founder & drummer Mike Davis doesn't miss a beat with his impressive drum skills. New guy PJ Poellnitz (great name) handles the six-string duties & Derron Nuhfer, saxophonist extraordinaire, fills out the sound in such a great way. And last but certainly not least, lead singer Laura Dees, w/ her soulful, powerful voice & passion-inspiring stage presence, takes the group to a rarefied level. As I've said before, The Bitteroots are as good a group as there is. PERIOD. That includes signed bands, legendary bands, etc. They ARE that good... 

Tonight, Friday August 10th, on the Square. 7PM. A two hour show that will be approx 1/2 originals & 1/2 covers. The covers range from The Allman Brothers, Huey Lewis & the News to The Boss. And their originals are superb - you'll love it. You really don't want to miss this one, folks. 

The road ahead for the band is as bright & busy as always. They're within a few weeks of releasing their latest album; they're opening for 90s hitmakers EverClear tomorrow night in Woodstock, GA & they just announced a helluva show coming up in October in Birmingham, AL w/ legendary 90s regional faves, Allgood. And keep in mind September 29th, when The Bitteroots will return to The Listening Room @ IBP w/ Sweet Harmony as the opening act. 

Enjoy the tunes & stay thirsty, my friends, and keep on rockin' in the free world!