TPC Pages

10 August 2020

MB McCart's TPC REAL Politick: It's Time [for the] R-U-N-N-O-F-T

It's that time, friends. 

Here in the home county, independent of what primary you voted for - or even if you didn't vote at all - you've got the opportunity to vote for an all-too-important, non-partisan Superior Court judgeship race. The decision? To vote for: Stansfield vs Foster. It's tough to call at this point who will emerge victorious.

In terms of my vote? Well, I'm easily with the smartest & best attorney I've ever met. - Bob Stansfield. 

As an aside, can we all just agree how unimpressive Graham, The Covington News (Walton Tribune), et al has been w/ this race? Never forget that our current  Legal Organ & Paper of Record does not have the home county's best interests at heart, nor do they reflect our values. 

While they own it, never forget it. 


For those of you in BOC 5 who either pulled a Dem ballot or didn't vote at all back in June, you all have the opportunity to vote for one of the best fellas I know - Mr. Casey Duren - though I don't think he can win tomorrow due to the following: 

- Racism 
- Tribal Politics 
- The fact that most folks are ignorant 


You know we'll be keeping an eye on things...