TPC Pages

10 August 2020

A Quick Monday Moment from MB: Is MB Okay? Whaddup w/ TPC?

Greetings, Lovely Readers, and I hope this post finds you well. By the way, you look great! Have you lost a few pounds?

So, July here at the ole newssite saw its lowest number of posts in over a year but yet saw its highest number of monthly pageviews in 3 months. As I  said previously - very interesting.

However, as of the 10th day of August, we've only had 2 posts so far this month.

Not looking good...

In the past the usual culprits for these decreases in output have been either one or a combination of: laziness, too much drink, or MB having one of his spells. Well, I'm proud to report that this time around it's none of those. No, it's because I've just been too damn busy. As many of you know I've got quite a few irons in the fire & there's only so much time in the day.

However, with all of that said, I think I've got a plan of attack & a schedule that will help to enable at least 3-5 posts per week moving forward.

My apologies (does all of this sound familiar?).

Looking Ahead:

- The one & only Bess Tuggle will return with at least some occasional works (she too has been quite busy). We're very excited about that.
- Our compatriot Perrin Lovett, the old warhorse, will be making his usual weekly contributions regarding affairs national (sorry about last week).
- Our Lady on the scene, Miss Kayla, will be shooting for every other week (hopefully).
- Editor Emeritus Ellis Millsaps seems to be getting the creative juices flowing again!
- The usual, here-&-there guest contributions from Bobby Lee, Mr. Fred et al.
- And I'll be doing my best to get you the REAL Story of the home county & city.

Alright, gang! Starting tomorrow (or maybe Wednesday), we're on the Mutha!

You can count on me!

Your Friend,

MB McCart