TPC Pages

28 September 2021

C-Town: Apartment City! ***UPDATED***

***UPDATED 9/29/21 (see below)***

 Good to be back w/ you after our late summer/early fall break. 

Apartments, Apartments everywhere! 

So...let's try to take a count. 

The especially ugly ones on Hwy 36 on the south side of town once completed: 180 units 

The "Cove at Town Center" off Alcovy Rd: 350 units 

Martin's Crossing (old Wal-Mart): 315 units 

Neely Farms (to be fair, these are technically considered townhomes [no word if these would be freehold vs leasehold]): 227 units 

Add to that the approx 300 apartment units that have recently been developed & that brings us to a grand total of... 

Just shy of 1400 new housing units. 

Per the US Census, the average household size in Covington, GA is 2.59 persons per. 

Now, I know some of these new apartments are one-bedroom units, so the aforementioned number might not track, but let's just go w/ 2 persons per unit (a conservative number in this writer's estimation). That would add 2800 people to the City of Covington over the next couple of years. 

Again, per the US Census, Covington's current population is right at 14,000 folks. That means the home city will, population-wise, grow 20% in just 2 to 3 years

That sounds like at least a new elementary school. Maybe two. A new middle school? Millions & millions in other infrastructure expenditures. 

Gee, I wonder if property taxes will be going up? 

The big problem, as I see it, is this: 

We're already busting at the seams, especially w/ thoroughfare capacity. We'll be behind the 8-ball constantly for the next several years & traffic, already horrendous, will only get much, much worse. 

TL;DR version: we're screwed... 

- MBM 


Yours Truly forgot about at least one other multifamily development & a couple of new residential starts. Also -- you can never forget about the "pipeline." And as has been made clear recently, everybody has been rushing to the trough. Multiple other projects have already been permitted & approved. 

From Covington City Manager (Newton Citizen) Scott Andrews from a few weeks back: 

We are a hot place for business, a hot place to live, and we’re seeing a tremendous amount of growth,” Andrews said. “Just in the immediate city, items in the (zoning) pipeline number over 3,000 units. That’s not including Porterdale and the county. Immediately around Covington, it is closer to 5,000 units and up.

So likely w/in the next 3-5 years (if current trends hold), the home city could literally almost double in population. Could you imagine the traffic? 

I'd forgotten about them instituting a one-month moratorium a few weeks back. Ha! Talk about putting a band-aid on a broken leg; or, if you will, closing the barn doors after all the horses are already out. 

This will have a major adverse effect on quality of life here. 

Aren't you just so damn glad that C-Town "took back their city" two years ago? 

And ain't it interesting that Fleeta always misses the important votes. Well, makes sense considering that she's purportedly a legal resident of South Carolina & isn't even legally qualified to serve on the City of Covington council. 

My Lord, what a damn mess...


23 September 2021

TPC REAL Politick: Oh Joy, It's C-Town Municipal Election Time!

*Ed. note: one quick piece before we finish our Fall Break. As always, Thx for reading - MBM
I had a funny moment w/ a pal of mine the other day about ole JC (I know, he's county level) where we were riffing on this concept of know...maybe skimmin' a little off the top, capice? 

I then threw in a bit about Don Fanucci in Godfather II. 


Covington Square 


JC & some sketchy hood 


JC: "you should let me wet my beak a little..." 

(JC wearing a fancy, multicolored suit w/ a matching hat)


The old saying in politics basically goes something like this: 

"Yard signs don't vote, but they certainly don't hurt, either."

W/ the east ward race, based on the signage in the old guard district (Conyers & Floyd), it seems as if The Gazebo Lady has the upper hand; however, if you drive through Covington Place & many other parts of town & Keck looks to have the upper hand. 

Perhaps a competitive race at this point? 

West Ward 

By all accounts Scoggins seems like a decent fellow that would probably do a good job for the home city. But considering this is the west ward & he's going against Hawnethia's hand-picked successor, I think he's certainly looking at an uphill climb. 

Okay for now, 


22 September 2021

TPC Fall Break

 Greetings & Salutations, TPCers. Hope all is lovely. 

It's time for our Fall Break.

We'll be back w/ you shortly... 

- MBM 

14 September 2021

Ellis Millsaps: TPC Post 1002: A Space Oddity


I was so inspired by Marshall's decision to revive the CF Floyd series that I decided to try my hand at it, to elaborate and further develop the themes he advanced there. After all, I’m one of the few left standing here at TPC. So here goes.

( I realize this is not the 1002nd post but if I'd written it when I conceived it it would have been. I had to finish reading Jane Smiley's “Some Luck,'' which I highly recommend, before I could start writing, but I liked my title and kept it.)

 Why in the world should I have to get a government mandated license to drive an automobile? That's an infringement on my liberty. and not only is there the license requirement. you have to take a government mandated test to show you can drive in their politically correct manner and that's a far more invasive test than the Covid test they're trying to mandate.

 And what about all their “rules of the road” enforced by government employed jackboot thugs? If I want to drive on the left side of the road that's my business and not the government's. They do it in Britain..

 Now I can hear you lily livered liberals saying the government has a right to restrict my liberty for your protection. Well that's the same ridiculous argument you use to try to make me get your Covid vaccine so that I don't infect your kids.

Well you can just keep your snot nosed, mask wearing kids away from me and mine. Those masks spread disease, you know.

 And don't get me started on that mandatory polio vaccine. If liberty loving Americans can't fight off a minor bout of polio they're not what they claim to be. It's just your weak willed socialists like FDR that can't. And you know he was a racist don't you? Not as bad as that dike Eleanor, but still.  *ed. note: it's actually TPC's 1004th post but who's counting (plus, that wouldn't give us an inversion of 2001 naturally). Also, I believe Da's post here will finally kick off our next Point; Counterpoint that several of you have been asking for. As always, thanks for reading - MBM

Contributing Writer & Editor Emeritus of The Piedmont Chronicles

Ellis "Da" Millsaps is a recovering Attorney but has worn many hats over the years: father, bus boy, stand-up comedian, novelist, wiffle ball player, rock'n'roll band manager, and at one time wrote a popular and funny column for The Covington News. A Fannin Co. mountain boy originally, Mr. Millsaps now stays at the mill village of Porterdale by way of 20 years in Mansfield. Usually funny and at times irreverent and subversive, he leans left in his political philosophy but can always be counted on for a pretty darn good write-up. The Chronicles are proud to have him involved...

08 September 2021

TPC Real Politick: All Levels of Government Seem To Be Failing Us - The Last Great Ride of the American Scream Machine?

 An analogy I've been using for over six years now, and I'm actually starting to wonder if it's coming to pass. 


Joe Biden is obviously unwell. The most recent video footage clearly shows an old man dealing w/ dementia. His wife has gone back to teaching, seemingly distancing herself. Same w/ VPOTUS & pretty much the rest of of the federal government. It's extremely sad & very, very concerning. 

The audit from Maricopa Co., AZ, is finally finished & shows - in my opinion - beyond a shadow of a doubt that those results are a fraud & must be de-certified. Remember election night -- in an unprecedented act, six different states all "quit" counting, but yet they didn't... 

The greatest foreign policy failure perhaps in the county's history. 

The enemy legacy media. 

And Dr. Fauci... 

He lied to Congress. He's a charlatan. The only question left now, I think, is whether or not it was intentional.

Rand Paul, right once again. 

And college football stadiums filled to capacity this past weekend & ample evidence of politicians not adhering to various guidelines but yet parents all over America are having to fight tooth & nail against these evil government agents to keep their children in school & to keep them from being emotionally & mentally abused. 

And now the proof can't be refuted from other countries, namely Israel, that the vaccines are a failure, but yet we see the continuing activities from the federal government to force these things down the throats of most of America. 

And why don't you google the largest criminal fines ever paid in American history. The three major vaccine makers are in the Top 15. And remember -- doctors & hospitals, on average, receive $2 billion per year from Big Pharma (verified fact). 

Possibly the biggest scandal in American history? 


I was still Team Kemp until the last couple of weeks. In my opinion, he has been co-opted by the bad guys & his behavior & public comments, while not at Biden levels, are starting to get more bizarre & concerning. He's wilting, it seems. 

As to the man who bought the Secretary of State's office? Too little, too late. Plus, he probably needs to be in jail. 

And in our great state in just the past few days we've had a current DA & a former one indicted. The Ju$tice system has been so dirty for so long & this is just the tip of the iceberg. 


The Newton Co BOC meeting last night was an abomination. This political body, as it exists, is no longer viable. 

And it's not just government, is it? All of our institutions seem to be failing us right now. 

Tough, tough times, friends. 

- MBM 

03 September 2021

Perrin Lovett: Eulogy for Thomas George Moore (1948 – 2021)

 He had the education bug. That’s how I met him in the fall of 2018. More accurately, he had a desire to defend and further Western Civilization, via teaching as with all his other professional endeavors. Freshly returned from his Creative Writing studies at University College Cork, Ireland, and while fine-tuning A Fatal Mercy, he hurled himself, in partibus furibundus, into and against the machinery of the public school system.

He was never one to say he’d been there and done that, though he seemingly had been everywhere and done everything. Rather, what he gleaned and remembered would be offered in answer to some question or as confirmation of what was suspected. His input was always valuable and welcomed. His was a life fully lived and richly rewarded. Herein, I hope to share just a few of my memories to complement what the reader may already know about Tom Moore. Small parts of the following might be new material for almost everyone. Writing is and is not the easiest job. We of the craft are never satisfied with any result. To my eyes, what follows is too brief, too hollow, and too unworthy. And it pained me to write it. Yet, at the same time, a sense of joy came over me as I plodded through. I hope that joy is what is imparted to the reader.

Providence dictated or arranged that I should follow a similar course in pursuit of teaching in the same place and at the same time. He started exactly as I did, as a lowly, roaming substitute teacher, overqualified though woefully bereft of the sacred, magical credentials. Circumstances and a vacancy soon had him helming a high school French program, a position for which he was perfectly qualified. On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, it was my privilege to cover a day’s classes in his absence. 

I was extraordinarily selective in assignments, or so I tried to be. I knew the school and the subject. On a “Meet the Teacher” webpage, I caught a glimpse of an intriguing character. Above his long list of academic and professional experiences and accolades was a picture – some of you have seen it – of Tom seated by the water looking… Wait a moment. Here it is.

Thomas George Moore

Pleasant, but what? Sly? There was obviously something going on in that head. There always was. I liked him even before I met him. There was also his name juxtaposed against the lessons he taught; I said to myself, “an English Saint … teaching French.”

I liked him more, that particular school day, despite his not being present. Many or most teachers, of any subject, are for lack of a better word, average. Some are very good. Few are great. And an observant outsider can sense the greatness, even indirectly. His classes were well organized. The students appeared at ease. There was a feeling that things just clicked, and well, inside those four concrete walls. Further evidence presented itself during a morning free period when a trio of young ladies stopped by and stayed the hour. While unannounced to me, their visit was a daily occurrence. They came to Tom’s room because it was the one place or the best place in the school that made sense to spend their free time. They were at liberty to study trigonometry or whatever it was in peace and under the carefree watch of an intellectual and a gentleman rather than under the scorn of a monitor or an enforcer. It was a bare preview of lunchtime.

Around noon, a class departed and I pondered where to eat and enjoy yet another cup of coffee. Then, they came. And they just kept coming. More and more until Tom’s little lecture hall filled to standing-room-only capacity with teenagers. Most were eating. Most were talking. A few read or wrote or calculated. All were happy to be there. Some were his French students, others were not. I classify them into two rough categories: the cool kids, and the good kids (any teacher knows the types and appreciates the intersection). It was a great mix of both scholarly athletes and socially-adjusted academics. I was amazed.

At length I inquired and was informed by several voices at once something to the effect, “Mr. Moore is just cool. He likes us and we like him.” So it was. He was cool. He was popular for that and, just as importantly, for not being a jerk. In a mad asylum of rules, conformity, and dread, his room was the one place where these young adults could come and be treated as such, treated like human beings. It was like a clubhouse scene from another era, perhaps as might have been portrayed by Normal Rockwell.

Not long thereafter, he called me. Being of a similar disposition, I was approved of by the students and they requested I return when needed. His classes joined my “go-to” list as my selectivity further narrowed. 

Within a few weeks, we met in person. I was sporting one of my trademarked Christmas ties and he was wearing a black sweater, semi-casual but officious enough looking. At first sight, he looked like the man who would run such a scene as I just described. Then we talked. 

This was not the process of making a new friend. It was like meeting a brother one hasn’t seen in years, like looking into a mirror of thought and viewpoint. We had much more in common than a shared interest in education. There was a distinct overlap of experience, interests, and intelligence. To put it plainly, few of my friends think or act as I do. Tom was the archetype of the few. He inspired me. More than once he even confounded – the rascal had the audacity to hit me with my own most lamented favorite question!

The older I grow, the less I care for certain aspects of post-modernity, especially the trend towards what is pitifully termed “post-literacy.” I have, for the most part, given up, but I used to, under appropriate circumstances ask various bystanders, “have you ever read … ?” Frequently, regardless of whether I ended the question with “Tacitus,” “Flaubert,” or “Dr. Seuss,” I was met with a silent stare. Not so with Tom. On the contrary, he was known to turn my weaponized words against me. 

By way of example, on Thursday, April 1, 2021, he sent me an email titled “Checking In.” It commenced as follows:

Have you ever read or heard of the world-famous novel of 1933, THE FORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH, by Franz Werfel?  …

While I am (and was) somewhat familiar with the underlying martial subject matter, world-famous or otherwise, sadly my answer was “no.” Fortune provided me the chance of a reply over the telephone so as to erase any permanent record of my ignorance. (Oops). He did that more than once. In my defense, I too occasionally posed the challenging literary inquiry.

That was the nature of a good part of our relationship – a continuous back and forth of ideas, questions, and answers – a quest for the truth. 

Our quixotic quests against academic Leviathan ended at about the same time and with similar displacements. I declare we both accomplished our goals! We are both writers. He was a great master while I toiled in the shadows. I considered him, and maybe he never liked or accepted the title, my mentor, at least in all things fiction. He was a fan of my weekly national affairs ramblings. “Your stuff’s as good as anything out there,” he’d say. And by “out there,” he meant the top tier of the hard right. He was confident even if I still remain unsure. There was, however, no questioning his ability. 

A Fatal Mercy is, as I have written previously, a classic. With that work, which I suppose now stands as his opus, he did many things. It is brilliant historical fiction, but more. It is a civilized and sophisticated romance, but more. At its end, structurally and philosophically, it is the masterful interweaving of classical Greco-Roman wisdom, the great tale of the end of America’s Republican Age, and the perils of our present world as glimpsed even in 1913. It says as much (and more) in his fantastic text:

One reason we study the Classics, apart from the value of the knowledge itself, is for what they may teach us about our times.

Now it had all been shattered, not just the system of Negro slavery, but the Old Republic itself.

Power transmutes into empire. Empire begets hubris. Hubris brings ruin.

The book and its esteemed author describe, vividly and from detailed character interactions, one civil war passed by, while foreshadowing and warning of another threatening to come. It is not a book I could have, or would have written, but it does well suit my own hopes and trepidations. For those reasons, perhaps more, it is my favorite of his works.

A closely related aside: On the day after Tom passed, his beloved Rhonda declared The Hunt For Confederate Gold her favorite. It is certainly more relatable, in a way, to the modern reader, with its current themes and faster pace. I classify it as a good-to-great book, yet outside, below the highest standing of A Fatal Mercy. Tom once almost dismissed it as “amateurish.” I was tempted to take offense, but the shadow does not correct the master. 

Another brief aside: Tom was uniformly even-keeled. Until he wasn’t. I’ve read through all the consolation replies to his obituary. Every one of them nails his personality. He was a gentleman, a scholar, the personification of the grand Old South, and the Citadel, a benefactor, and just about every other popular positive laurel combined into a man. There was also a rarely seen heat beneath his collar. It peaked out seldom and only at warranted times – a glare, a changed tone, a clenched fist, quick fits of expressed righteous anger about something or things. It was one of my favorite among his many personality traits. It is also a high mark of an actionable gentleman. A Scot. A Saxon. Or a Viking. If you ever saw it, you probably liked it, unless, of course, you were the target. One might have been tempted to call it cute, but for a certain strength or seriousness behind it.  It was a little fire that our current crop of gentlemen might do well to rekindle. 

Back to our discussions, as it happened, there was usually a general agreement between us. Where or when we differed, it was still a profitable exchange of knowledge or opinion. With him gone, I feel like half of my brain is missing. Time and again, I catch myself thinking or saying, upon reading something in the news, “I have to tell Tom about this…” The fact that I no longer can now stabs me like cold steel. 

Tom’s professors at UCC taught him well, though they obviously had in him great clay to mold. He was, in turn, a wonderful teacher. Far from merely humoring my novelizations and story-tellings, he could and did correct my foibles as necessary. I learned much from him. He claimed to like my various dialogues, said by him in general, probably correctly, to be the hardest aspect of convincing fiction. “You not only have the voice,” he said, “but you also have a great ear.” While I uttered a semi-confident, quiet “yes,” he soon explained the terms of art. Little things like that.

He had so many irons still in the fire. He was ghost-writing a book. He dabbled in screenplays. He was, at one point, approached about turning A Fatal Mercy into a movie or mini-series. I cheered those points even if I never delved too deeply into them. I was, on the other hand, acutely aware of some of his other latter-day work. He wrote, not quite in secret, a large portion of English historical fiction, English with a touch of the Irish. I had the privilege of reading much of it. “Tom,” I told him on the phone, “I can literally see this as a movie in my head, an older Errol Flynn kind of movie!” He enthusiastically agreed. It was, all of it, utterly fantastic. 

And, there was more still. He stated that he wanted to collaborate with me on a few things. I’m not at liberty to say exactly what, but we did commence a few projects. He referred to them as “our,” though they were generally “his.” My part was as, what? Editor? Sounding board? Agent? Wingman? For the most part, I simply marveled as another story unfolded, one beyond cutting edge, with a feel and humor perhaps more at home in the mind of a Zoomer than a Boomer.

One more aside (I love these): Tom, a 1948-issue Baby Boomer, delighted in the battle waged by some, such as Vox Day, against Boomerdom. One evening, over dinner out, he surprised us all with his declared admiration for “The Day of the Pillow.” Only Tom. The Gen-Z high school kids were right. He was cool. Too cool. By the power vested in me, I hereby posthumously elevate him to honorary Generation X status, with all the unconcerned angst and nonchalance that entails. 

What, if anything, may ever become of our shared projects? I do not know. But I am grateful just to have been along for the ride.

I will tell the intrepid reader about this one! We talked on the phone or through the computer frequently. And approximately once a month, we gathered in person for what we (he) deemed rendezbrews. Perhaps these were our periodic homages to Tolkien and Lewis. They involved ideas – higher and lower – and beers. At one such meeting, early this summer, he gave me this:

Pictured on the original red folder he handed me like a spy. © by “Thomas Lovett???”

No! It’s partially redacted for a reason; you don’t need to know everything. Of course, what’s pictured is almost everything that came out of that concept. It was a novel proposal, one of those potentially sloppy tomes like Varney the Vampire (more long than sloppy, no?) cobbled together by two authors, perhaps one chapter on, one chapter off. The cover is as far as we ever got and I do not think readers should look forward to a finished book anytime before the turn of the next century, if then. In short, he had a vague plot in mind, based on our mutual perceptions of Washington, and he wanted to deploy a certain existing ex-CIA character of mine to, uh, “accomplish things.” How that would have worked, I’m just not sure. I am sure it would have been fun.

There was, again, so much more. The man was a boundless spring of creativity. He was also a source who never tired of giving opinions, praise, or fair, constructive criticism. He was ever supportive, bearing the keen ability to contribute just the right idea or counterpoint at just the right time. As friends and brothers used to correspond with written letters, we emailed. I have a vast trove of those missives to sort through. One day, they might be worth assembling into something greater.

Enough, for now, of books, ideas, ideologies, and the like. 

A final aside: On the sometimes silly, sometimes serious front, we held a joint affinity for a certain foreign-born, alliteratively-named film actress of considerable talent and temperament. She never met Tom and never will. She, like everyone else good and true, would have loved him. If I ever meet her, I’m going to tell her about the coolest teacher-soldier-statesman-author-intellectual she will never know. She, more than most in Hollywood, stands right and tall against the anti-culture. Or, at least, she stands apart from it. I might advise her that “courage and fortitude are never in vain.” That quote, too, is from a classic novel you might know and I was desperate for some reason to fit it in here.

To conclude matters, Tom has triumphed. His is a legacy in this world that will remain untarnished. A rare accomplishment. Most importantly, he has won the great victory and now has assumed his rightful place in Heaven. He was and is a winner, a matter assured just as (one more quote!) Shadpole told Drayton that day at the track, “you goan win, for sho.”

We have lost. My continued prayers and thoughts are with Rhona, Thomas, Jr., John, Stuart, et al. My thoughts are with you if you knew Tom. For, I know. I have lost. I lost my friend, my mentor, and my partner in crime. I have lost a brother. But I, like all whose good fortune led Tom into their lives, have gained a memory, a clarity, and a powerful force and purpose. 

Farewell, and God bless, Tom. Until we meet again.

- Perrin Lovett 

TPC's 1000th Post!


Friends, the ole newssite hit a major milestone on 2 September 2021. 

Da's piece - Book Report - became published post number one-thousand here at The Piedmont Chronicles. 

A thousand posts. 


As always, we appreciate your support & your readership. 

Kindly Yours, 

MB McCart 

02 September 2021

Ellis Millsaps: Book Report

 It's two pm and I haven't heard an ambulance go by today. Lately I've been hearing a half dozen per day. Two years ago I heard maybe two per week. I've done all I can do about this phenomenon. The ball's in your court now, unvaccinated.

 My daughter Grace and her family are up from New Orleans where power is currently estimated to be out for seven to ten days. Serendipitously my son Jack and his wife Olga have bought a second house with the intention of renting out the old one, but for now they have an extra house for Grace and Ryan and I get to spend  time with my lovely five year old granddaughter Talulah.. She and Jack's four year old Henry will be spending tomorrow in Porterdale.

 (Ambulance just went by)

I know you're almost as anxious to hear about my grandchildren as you are to learn what books I've been reading lately. Sorry, you're going to have to wait for that. Today I'm going to dwell on my reading habits generally.

 I've been  a voracious reader all my adult life--until Covid came. After that I read nothing longer than a TPC piece until the past six weeks when I have read several thousand pages of weighty tomes.

Since my early twenties the bulk of my reading has been what's called “literary fiction,” (Remember, I'm an English major.) but I also read works of history, science and philosophy and I’ve read everything by Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. I read British mystery writers P.D. James and Elizabeth George. ( George is technically an American but she writes British.)  I don't read John Grisham anymore; I just wait for the movie, but I read anything by Scott Turow, a much better writer.

 Give me anybody's list of a hundred books ever educated American  “ought” to have read and I've read the majority of them. What books do I like most? I've read many hundreds of them but only a select few more than once.

 I’ve probably read The Great Gatsby six times. I've read To Kill a Mockingbird four times. (I know book titles should be italicized but I don’t know how to do that.) Books I've read twice include Light in August, Huckleberry Finn, Ken Kesey’s Sometimes a Great Notion, Raintree County (The Elizabeth Taylor movie is an awful adaptation.), All the King's Men, A Catcher in the Rye, and Walker Percy's The Last Gentleman and it’s sequel The Second Coming. All of the preceding I would consider a contender for the Great American Novel. Others I've read twice couldn't contend for that prize because they're not American: the King James Bible, Albert Camus’ The Plague and I'm finishing my second reading of Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain.

 Next time I'll give you some reviews of what I've read lately. I know you’re on the edge of your seats.

- Ellis Millsaps

01 September 2021

CFF Feature Column of Affairs National by MB McCart: Talkin' 'Rona; Biden's Racism & Steep Mental Decline; Odds & Ends

 Welcome Fearless Piedmonteers & I hope this post finds you well. 

This is the first CFF (CF Floyd) column in over two weeks & is the first one in its entire 3+ year existence that was not authored by TPC Contributor Perrin Lovett. In a previous column I mentioned to you that Perrin was relinquishing this recurring piece to be able to concentrate on his other endeavors. But fear not! The CFF lives on, to be authored - at least temporarily - by your lovable & erstwhile semi-esteemed Editor. So w/out any further ado, away we go. 


Our long national nightmare continues into its 19th month w/ no end in sight. 

The big news here lately of course is the dreaded Delta variant, which does seem to be much more transmissible, that has caused quite the large amount of hand-wringing & consternation amongst many, and - just like clockwork - has been seized upon many a governmental entity to erode Freedom & enforce compliance in the name of saaaaaaafety & control. 

New York City, San Francisco & other cities are mandating its citizens to be vaccinated or else be treated as a second class citizens. As has been previously stated & widely disseminated by many, this will adversely impact black folks & other persons of color which, considering these types of tyrannical elites who are issuing these edicts, is probably the point.  Because, you know, they're really f*ckin' racist & all. 

However, the narrative is starting to fall apart. Harvard Epidemiologist (not just your run-of-the-mill internet kook) Martin Kulldorff has just released a study showing that natural immunity is way more effective than the current non-traditional & non-sterilizing mRNA vaccines. 

Mr. Kulldorff also had this to say: 

Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical.

Even mainstream media outlets are starting to hedge their bets at this point. 

But just remember, in Maryland 100% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated according to their Governor from a few days ago. Fauci's infamous 99.4% (or was it 99.2%?) has been thoroughly discredited & now the CDC itself is saying the number is more like 75%.

Also, remember this: miraculously, after existing for thousands of years, the Flu is gone! It's just totally gone. Wow. That's incredible. 

And as many have been questioning - this writer included - why is the rest of the world reporting completely different numbers? Wouldn't have anything to do w/ the CDC no longer counting most breakthrough cases, would it? Would it have anything to do w/ the USSA unholy alliance of Big Pharma, Big GOV, Big Insurance, Big Media, Big Bank$ters, Big Tech? 

What? I'm just askin'...

And to keep things in perspective, here's the latest COVID Death Tracker straight from the CDC: 

While certainly an uptick here the last couple weeks, the death rates are way, way lower than the infection & hospitalization rates, perhaps due to the fact that several feel that while the Delta variant is more transmissible, it is less lethal, and too, logic would dictate & at least anecdotal evidence would suggest, that the treatment for this virus has perhaps become more effective. Either way -- the sky isn't falling. Remember that when these power hungry sociopaths keep doing what they do. 

I think it's like from the movie, The Matrix: the problem is the choice. 

Why is Joe Biden So Damn Racist? 

Well, what else would you expect from someone who opposed integrated busing, referred to black neighborhoods as "jungles" & was the proud disciple of a Klan leader (all incontrovertible fact, btw)? 

But seriously, our Racist-in-Chief just apparently can't help himself. He hates the blacks. Referring to a 47-yr old black man as "boy" just two days ago & all of the other prejudiced things he's said lately. And w/ no backlash from the legacy media or the BLM/Rainbow-Push types, it just adds further credence to the idea that there are most assuredly double standards when it comes to this type of thing. If you can't admit that, you are well trained in the arts of tardedtry. 

As to his cognitive issues, well... 

- A former Congressman from Iowa who knew Joe Biden writes an op-ed in which he implores the POTUS to have cognitive testing done - "Joe Biden isn't the person I knew in Congress." 

-  1600 Pennsylvania Ave: Biden's Assisted-Living Facility 

-  It's so obvious now even the foreign press is getting in on the action. 

In Closing

I'd love to tell you that this will be a weekly feature, but...well, you know. 

I'm going to do my level best to at least get this out at least every other week when possible. 

Thanks for reading,