16 April '17
[State of GA]
[Newton Co.]
(North Covington) - Greetings & Salutations, you fine, fabulous readers, and Happy Easter!
"He Is Risen!"
Just a quick check-in for today, folks, and I'm planning for a big, thick & juicy Sunday Edition next weekend.
A Note of Thanks
A very special shout-out to you, the lovely and wonderful readership of The Chronicles, for making last week's post - More Bad News Bear Creek - the most viewed article ever in the seven year history of TPC.
Thanks for that, and as always - thanks for reading.
What's the road ahead? Where do we go from here? Stay tuned, friends, we're going to be here with you - the Good Lord Willin' - the rest of the way.
DIVISION!(in the house)
To use the terminology from Robert's Rules, the home county and the proverbial #newtoncounty12 finds itself with much division and infighting. Is all this by design? A concocted and crafted "Divide & Conquer" strategy? Some seem to think so, and there are maybe a few working theories out there. I'm not sure if I do, but hell - who knows? I think it's just the nature of the beast sometimes. Again, we'll be keeping an eye on it...
I will say this. It seems as if all this got started maybe not quite a year ago and, that just maybe, it kind of coincided with when the Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance (NCLA) was basically put on ice. It actually got to the point where a full-on civil war of sorts had begun and it was put on hiatus and basically put into a Trust of sorts. The Trustors? The original founders & leaders of that group. The Beneficiary? That would be that glorious lady that is Newton County. So...the big question - who's the Trustee? That would actually be Yours Truly & a couple of other folks. Maybe it's time to hit the reset button and reorganize that organization...
Per usual, a ton of other moving parts. We'll be keeping an eye on things and will be back in touch very soon.
Til next time,