28 June 2021

Gang Bangin' in Jamestown: Why So Quiet?

By: MB McCart, Ed. 

*Updated 6/30/21: see below

 I actually knew something was up Saturday evening when I personally witnessed the most police & emergency responder vehicles I think I've ever seen go zooming down Hwy 36. Traffic became backed up in the southwestern direction (heading towards Jackson), but then later it became backed up heading back towards Covington (more on that later). 

As this writer was made aware of from a direct source, there was a drive-by shooting in Jamestown Saturday evening during a community BBQ/gathering. 

A black male in a ski mask opened fire w/ a semi-automatic rifle shooting multiple folks & killing one*. 

As I mentioned this to a few different people they seemed almost incredulous considering the lack of local media attention. 

After it was confirmed, I had one person ask me if they thought the local media wasn't carrying it because "it didn't fit the narrative." 

No, I don't think so. For starters, local media doesn't carry water & push the talking points of the power elite like national legacy media. Furthermore - and just being REAL here - most shootings in the home county & city involve black-on-black crime & that's never stopped any of the other papers from not covering it. 

My best guess is this: 

Allegedly, a Sheriff's Deputy vehicle was involved in a bad automobile accident en route to Jamestown (the other traffic back-up) that was reportedly the fault of the Sheriff Deputy. 

Regardless, it is well known by many that major gang activity is occurring & actively getting worse w/in both the home city & county. 

Be carrying, TPCers - an armed society is a polite one. 


*update: the report of one fatality was erroneous